Workshops: Breathe, Be,& Build your dreams - These workshops are hands-on, interactive, transformational experience in a safe group environment in person and online; applying the Ageless Wisdom teachings, kinesiology, breathwork techniques, meditations & invocation.


INTRODUCTION - learn to muscle monitor

In this 2 day workshop participants will have the opportunity to experience a TK balance, learn various stress release techniques, muscle monitoring techniques and how to facilitate the balance process.  The foundation of the Ageless Wisdom principles will be discussed including:

The Spiritual Constitution of Man. 
Spiritual Laws
The Seven Rays and their associate qualities.


7 WEEK CHAKRAS EXPLORATION - single classes also available during the 7 weeks

A 7 WEEK in person group journey - each week you will learn about one of the 7 Chakras and their emotional codes, body structure, mantra, the Aura & Energy Vitality.

Each journey will focus on one chakra and how it applies to your life situations; what needs to be cleared and what can be called in for full vitality and alignment with your soul’s path. Unravel the blocks and keys to manifesting your dreams in a deep transformational breath journey to gain insights about the change you are looking for.

BOOK TICKETS through trybooking or email for 7 week discount price to


Understanding the anatomy of energy –

The Cosmic Breath, chakras & aura system
Vitality, Prana and our immune system
The conscious flow of energy
The quantum collective field
The Seven Rays
Psychic energy

More workshops coming soon...