Design your Dream Life Program

Why let life steer you in certain directions and be at the effect of circumstances, when you can actively change and create the life you want. You may feel disempowered by institutions, family or cultural expectations, self imposed limitations; but there is a way to step out of the repression of the collective matrix and create your own pathway through and out of the maze.

The truth is there is only one unique you, and you came here with a particular purpose that is the best you that you can offer the world. It could manifest as many things. It is your signature magick or talent that emerges when you are totally in your element and naturalness with no effort. It is when you are shining and happy doing and being in the moment. The most common blocks to being that natural you are that you “ shouldn’t wouldn’t couldn’t ; because of someone else, something else, or some judgement or fear.” There are perceptions of how things should be with family, relationships, money, career, home; and balancing the priorities of the practical versus the ideal can feel overwhelming and defeatist.

The unfolding of your dreams happens through activating your own magick - through your own words, visions, ideals, actions, dedication and connection to your higher power or inner wise one. There is a fire of will, passion and creative intelligence that is sparked when you light that fire in your heart. Once the fire is lit the ideas flow and the creative force spreads like fireworks of expression.

Through the Conscious Creator program / Design your Dream life you dive deep to get real about where you are, what you really desire for your life, and the tools and pathway to make that happen. This is not any ordinary coaching problem, as it uses muscle testing techniques to identify your specific blindspots and how to shed light on how to achieve what you want.


Life review questionnaire for clarity

What area in life do you want to change?

Identify fears/sabotage that might hold you back


Explore your four bodies and where is most blocked

Learn techniques and about integration of the four bodies

Week 3

Explore how influencers have moulded your perspective

Investigate roles/identities you have taken on

Release attachments/ identities that don’t support you

 Week 4

Explore habits patterns and triggers

Learn the CHOICE POINT (tm) method  and

how to manage triggers

Week 5

Emotional intelligence and energetics

Managing emotions to find balance

Week 6

Mindset mastery - shift from negative

to positive mindset /open approach to life

Week 7

A deep dive into your unique energy blueprint

Your 3 brains and neural network communication

and rewiring

Week 8

Techniques to connect with your intuition

Exploring values and virtues aligning with soul vision

Week 9

Moving from idea to insight to action

The 80/20 sacred law

Week 10

Universal Laws of manifestation

Week 11

7 Ray energies to infuse your vision

Breathwork integration journey

Week 12

Review and Completion


A unique collaborative approach using kinesiology and naturopathy to fine tune your health profile, diet and nutrition, muscle test your optimum supplement regime. Muscle monitoring can assess organ and gland vitality, nutritional deficiencies, and interferences from bacteria, virus loads and parasites that create havoc in digestive and immune systems. Kinesiology techniques are used for stress release, digestion, immune, detox and emotional support.  It’s a full comprehensive overhaul.

It is estimated that over 9O% of illnesses originate because of stress. The main stress response is closely associated with adrenal function and hormonal responses through the Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenal feedback loop, commonly referred to as the HPA axis. If we can manage and reduce our body’s stress response, this is the first step to better health. Its has to be a holistic approach as it involves changing lifestyle and diet habits.

The unique support kinesiology brings is the ability to investigate all the body’s systems including brain pathways, neurotransmitters, cellular restoration, DNA integrity, and the emotional patterns and negative mindsets that keep you stuck in unhealthy ways. High demands that are made by work and family leave many people ignoring their own rest, sleep and nutritional needs; and put the body in a state of permanent stress. As this continues, hormonal production in the HPA axis gets depleted or out of balance.

In just 4 weeks this program will help you to recover your energy and motivation .....

to eat better,

to sleep better, 

     to feel better

     to relate with others better

     to get a new boost to your energy levels 

     to start a great eating routine with yummy recipe options

     to start a new supportive exercise routine that gives you more energy not less

     to get those work tasks done with no stress.............and so much more......

Would you nourish yourself with 4 weeks of attention on you; so that you can give attention and focus to others in good balance?  This is the kickstart back to restoring better health 


2 Naturopathic / nutritional consults with Grace Hawkins

2 kinesiology treatment for stress release, detox and digestive support.

A weekly group meeting for 4 weeks, giving you more information and resources on food, energy clearing, calming techniques ..and more

Provide a collection of free e-books on nutrition, recipes, useful information, and energy techniques. 


 " When I started the program I was so exhausted.  I had spent the previous 6 months feeling flat, sluggish, unmotivated and overall not super happy.  

I couldn't understand why I was feeling this way.   I ate healthily, I exercised regularly, and I had a good life.  But something was just not right. That's when I signed up for the program.  I'm not going to lie, the first two weeks were tough to get through, but with the constant support of Grace and Joanne I made it through to the other side. I couldn't believe how much energy I had after the program.  At long last I felt healthy, clean, motivated, energetic, happy and balanced. Both Grace and Joanne are very real, and understand there is no right or wrong, and overall they are a fantastic team to coach you through the necessary changes “ Suraya

“The adrenal recovery program is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. The whole approach of food as medicine was a sturdy backbone to the program and offered a consistent framework that not only supported improvements in well-being but also in a whole of life approaches. The thing that really worked for me was doing it in a group and being able to meet up each week and share stories and listen to different topics and speakers at the same time. I want all my friends to do it, as it was so beneficial. Joanne and Grace are great team and having then do the program at the same time filled me with confidence. Thoroughly recommend and I look forward to doing it again as the improvement was so great…. “ Simone O’B.

“I loved the amalgamation of kinesiology and naturopathy - this integrated approach works so well and the communication between Grace & Joanne was tight and reflected in the appointments. I feel that both practitioners have a great gift in delivering their message and their product. They are both grounded as well as spiritual which is important for me as I need that balance. I also enjoyed the diversity of education - there were talks on medicinal mushrooms, a talk on rest and its role in the body/mind/spirit, explanation of the physiological side of things…. I really loved the delivery from both Jo & Grace in the weekly sessions - they hold a phenomenal space” Cassie D.

 If you or anyone you know is struggling with fatigue, bad sleep patterns, brain fog, loss of drive, depression, or weight gain' - who might benefit from this life changing program; share this with them, and contact me for more information.

I have been so inspired by the dedication and improvement achieved by past participants, I know that this program can deliver the tools to make that change from TIRED TO INSPIRED for everyone.  

 So jump in and sign up now- send me an email – or call me 0403637156




Anxiety Stress Release Program

If you suffer long term anxiety or stress, your body will be in high alert states and flight response over longer periods than we are designed to maintain – and soyou your energy resources are slowly being depleted in the long term and your resilience will be reduced.

In this personalize program we:

  • Assess the vitality of organs glands and brain neurophysiology, especially focused on hormones related to flight response short and long term.
  • Assess the drivers conscious or unconscious behind the stress response
  • Assess impacts on sleep patterns and quality of sleep
  • Assess the impact of diet and digestive patterns
  • Set out a program of daily “DE STRESS ‘ techniquesthat are quick and easy and help to immediately calm your nervous system, slow your breath, increase your energy levels and optimize your focus and attention . 

Personalised Health Program

Better health is about preventing illness and dis-ease developing in the first place.  How do we do this?

  • Assess where you are now – profile diet exercise etc
  • Assess the vitality of your organs, glands, nervous system, brain physiology...
  • Look at any unhealthy risk habits that creep up again and again
  • Look at negative emotional beliefs /thoughts/internal dialogues that loop around and remove them
  • Change your old negative thinking patterns to positive inspiring ones
  • Set out an action plan to keep you on track.

Life Coaching With Kinesiology

You might be super healthy but other parts of your life are not quite coming together. Maybe you feel a bit dissatisfied or unclear with some areas; – whether its finding or maintaining a healthy relationship, getting more direction with your career , finances, health, or finding your life purpose. You might just want to establish ways to have a better work /life balance. The kinesiology mentoring program is not just a coaching journey, it is a big picture view that then individually maps your unique thoughts and levels of consciousness and any blocks so you can track and maps your way forward. It is a unique program is literally LIFE CHANGING . I

In this program we:

  • Look in detail at all sectors of your life – a sector analysis

  • You design your 7 dream wish list – and an together we fine tune an outcome analysis

  • We use kinesiology to prioritise and fine tune what you need to work with each session

  • Identify blocked or distorted emotions or consciousness states and change them

  • Look at common and specific thought patterns and negative story loops and clear them

  • Apply principles of quantum energy field and Chinese elements models to change old patterns and create new dynamics

  • Use kinesiology systems to correct and release blocks to change, increase your resources, inspire your creativity, upgrade or refine your skill set , inspire and motivate you to action your plans.