Design your Dream Life Program

Why let life steer you in certain directions and be at the effect of circumstances, when you can actively change and create the life you want. You may feel disempowered by institutions, family or cultural expectations, self imposed limitations; but there is a way to step out of the repression of the collective matrix and create your own pathway through and out of the maze.

The truth is there is only one unique you, and you came here with a particular purpose that is the best you that you can offer the world. It could manifest as many things. It is your signature magick or talent that emerges when you are totally in your element and naturalness with no effort. It is when you are shining and happy doing and being in the moment. The most common blocks to being that natural you are that you “ shouldn’t wouldn’t couldn’t ; because of someone else, something else, or some judgement or fear.” There are perceptions of how things should be with family, relationships, money, career, home; and balancing the priorities of the practical versus the ideal can feel overwhelming and defeatist.

The unfolding of your dreams happens through activating your own magick - through your own words, visions, ideals, actions, dedication and connection to your higher power or inner wise one. There is a fire of will, passion and creative intelligence that is sparked when you light that fire in your heart. Once the fire is lit the ideas flow and the creative force spreads like fireworks of expression.

Through the Conscious Creator program / Design your Dream life you dive deep to get real about where you are, what you really desire for your life, and the tools and pathway to make that happen. This is not any ordinary coaching problem, as it uses muscle testing techniques to identify your specific blindspots and how to shed light on how to achieve what you want.


Life review questionnaire for clarity

What area in life do you want to change?

Identify fears/sabotage that might hold you back


Explore your four bodies and where is most blocked

Learn techniques and about integration of the four bodies

Week 3

Explore how influencers have moulded your perspective

Investigate roles/identities you have taken on

Release attachments/ identities that don’t support you

 Week 4

Explore habits patterns and triggers

Learn the CHOICE POINT (tm) method  and

how to manage triggers

Week 5

Emotional intelligence and energetics

Managing emotions to find balance

Week 6

Mindset mastery - shift from negative

to positive mindset /open approach to life

Week 7

A deep dive into your unique energy blueprint

Your 3 brains and neural network communication

and rewiring

Week 8

Techniques to connect with your intuition

Exploring values and virtues aligning with soul vision

Week 9

Moving from idea to insight to action

The 80/20 sacred law

Week 10

Universal Laws of manifestation

Week 11

7 Ray energies to infuse your vision

Breathwork integration journey

Week 12

Review and Completion